Canna-Brand Dr.Midtown Brings a New meaning to “high” fashion
The cannabis community gathered for a night of fashion, collaboration, and yes, consumption.
A few weeks ago, during NYFW I found myself buying a ticket to a High Fashion Show, (I think it’s implied but the fun kind.) As a cannabis creator I am delighted when I find cannabis-friendly havens to socialize and grow in. This event was to showcase Dr. Midtown’s signature fall collection, and indulge in Sugarman’s THC infused Rosè.
When I arrived, I was pleasantly surprised to discover we were at a “Work N’ Roll” location. For those who haven’t heard, the location operates an open space/ incubator for emerging, elevated companies to work in. The event was more than dope; my friends and I had a blast as we relaxed and enjoyed the good treats and vibes.
Then, as the evening unfolded, they rolled out the red carpet, and the show began. Dr. Midtown has been making waves online with his overnight sensation clothing line, “If You Love Her, Roll Her a Blunt.” This fall debut was an extension of that collection. We were highly engaged and entertained. Every piece will be available at select dispensaries around Manhattan, and I highly recommend going to check it out for yourself.
This event has set the stage for a new era of fashion for a higher society. By enabling the cannabis community to come together and indulge, we are de-stigmatizing, re-educating and promoting friendly ways to grow. So look out for Dr.Midtown products at a NYC dispensary near you.
Written by,
Jaycee Sage, Creative Director of Schedule1